“He has shown you, o mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”
Micah 6:8
Our Story.
In January of 2014, several members of a church in Columbus, Georgia, met with the shared goals of addressing the issue of domestic minor sex trafficking and the growing need for rehabilitative care for the children who are rescued. The meeting turned into a mission, with the formation of Micah’s Promise and a plan to build a residential therapeutic treatment facility.
The founders quickly learned the goal of restoring stolen childhoods must be paired with evidenced-based, survivor-informed education in our community and surrounding counties.
In December of 2021, Micah’s Promise secured the final funding that completed our capital campaign to bring our dreams of a therapeutic treatment facility to life. Construction began promptly the following month and in January of 2023, our therapeutic home for domestic minor sex trafficked survivors was completed. This facility offers a safe home and year-long holistic treatment services for girls ages 12-17 who have been rescued from this heinous industry.
We also provide training and cooperate with state and local law enforcement on prevention through education.
walk humbly
We educate our community on the risks of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) through public and private training. We strive to make our community safer by increasing awareness, including how to prevent it from happening.
act justly
We cooperate with local and state law enforcement in our efforts to advocate for victims. We are a partner agency with the Georgia Statewide Human Trafficking Taskforce, collaborating to fight trafficking across Georgia. We pursue the gold standard best practices of our mentor agency, Wellspring Living.
love mercy
Our therapeutic residential facility serves as a safe home environment for girls ages 12-17, who are survivors of human trafficking. They receive therapy to treat complex trauma and onsite education, with a goal to bring them to health, wholeness, and restoration.
Vision and Values
Dedicated to promoting a life free from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual captivity.
Educating and mobilizing the community to action through partnerships to combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
By providing a safe and secure environment for girls ages 12-17 to address complex trauma.
Vision: Our vision is to eradicate CSEC/DMST in our community and to do so by our values.
Dedicated to spreading the truth of Christ’s love and justice towards all humanity.
Statement of Faith
Devoted to Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior (John 1:12) and we cannot be with the Father without Him (John 14:6).
Student of the Bible
The inspired, authoritative word of God is the basis of our faith (Psalm 19:7). LIVING HOLY LIVES. Seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18), exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and live disciplined lives in accordance with the Bible's teachings.
We believe that every child’s life has value (Psalm 139:14-17). We believe, through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for all our sins, commercially sexually exploited children can be healed and restored (Matthew 11:5) to live a life of purpose, experience freedom and look forward to eternity with their Heavenly Father (Galatians 6:9).
Our goal is to know Jesus Christ and make him known, through the way we live our lives and by sharing the gospel’s good news with others (Matthew 24:14).
Seek to worship God “in spirit and truth” (John 4:23), employing a wide variety of worship styles but always devoted to the concept that the heart of worship is to glorify God and receive biblical instruction.
Bobbi Starr | Executive Director
Bobbi Starr first learned about the issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in 2009, while attending the National Center for Victims of Crime conference in New Orleans. At that time, she was the Prevention and Awareness Coordinator for the Sexual Assault Support Center of Columbus, Georgia.
After learning about the issue of DMST/CSEC and the need for therapeutic treatment facilities for rescued children, she pursued and obtained a B.S. in Sociology and a Masters in Public Administration and Justice, tailoring her training and education to the issues around child sex trafficking.
Bobbi has been a victims’ advocate and community activist for over 20 years, and teaches and lectures throughout the state of Georgia. She dedicates her life to fighting DMST/CSEC and providing a path to Christ-centered restoration of stolen childhoods.