I needed to tell you this.... Don't judge me
A few weeks ago, we received this email from a sweet friend of ours, that they received from a company they follow; we LOVE the message they shared and wanted to share it with you all as well!
There's no need to rehearse how hard the past few months have been on us all.
--> Being quarantined...
--> Businesses forced to close...
--> Schools closed and now saying many won't open...
The list goes on and on with all the woes we can leave too.
I would like to propose a different approach to this "crisis".
You see Ruthie, my wife, and I are blessed to have 5 beautiful children.
Although many know me for being an eco-entrepreneur and conscience capital revolutionary, my greatest calling is to serve my family.
The past few months have been a strain on us all.
Am I right?
Well... Our family too.
Here's what happened this past weekend at the Ezell homestead:
I took 3 of my kids out picking Ramps AKA "Wild Leeks" from the forest behind our home.
We had a great time getting fresh air and our hands in the soil.
There were tons out there and we picked our fill. (pic below)
We make so many yummy dishes from them.

We were having a great day when then the wheels fell off the bus!
The kids starting bickering and calling each other names for way too long...
I needed to put an end to it!
Remember, no one can grasp how hard this global lockdown is on young children.
So, I decided to teach my kids a lesson...
And if you are still reading, you will get it too :)
I shared the power of words and the intentions of the heart with my family.
How words have the ability to bring life or bring death.
One of my sons kinda sighed in disbelief.
So I decided to prove it with a science experiment.
I took 1 Ramp with two leaves and split them.
Get this.
Same plant <---> Two leaves. (this is important)
I then asked my family to share words that bring life and words that bring death and wrote them on two separate sheets of paper.
I placed the two leaves from the SAME PLANT on each sheet. (pic below)

Then I asked my kids to feel the emotion of Love & Gratitude and speak these words onto the leaf on the left to LIVE.
Then asked them to feel the emotion of Hate & Anger and speak these words onto the leaf on the right to DIE.
"Let's see what happens to the leaves tomorrow morning..." I glimmered.
The results below may shock you.

The above pic is after just 12 hours!
The below pic is after only 36 hours!!!
The one on the left was still soft and supple and the one on the right was crunchy and DEAD.

Here's the moral of the story...
"As so a man believes in his heart, so is he"
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"
Even though the world is a different place than it was a few short months ago...
No one can steal your joy and peace unless you let them.
Further, let the thoughts and the intentions of your heart produce words filled with LOVE, GRACE, GRATITUDE, and words that bring life.
Just like that leaf...
My hope is that this letter blesses you as much as it has me who wrote it...
Your Friend,
CEO, MyGreenFills.com