Protecting Our Children from Internet Predators

More than ever, we are turning to technology to keep in touch with our friends and family. But this also opens the door to allow those we don’t know to enter our online world. Here are some resources we love to keep ourselves and our children safe!

How to Talk About Online Predators With Your Kids

FAQs for Sloane Ryan and the Special Projects Team

Parent Training with Homeland Security

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - Online Enticement

Internet Safety Tips

  1. Set House Rules - Setting expectations can help mitigate any confusion that may arise. How long can be spent online? What sites can be accessed? What activities are acceptable online?

  2. No Personal Information - Make sure your child does not have any personal information online, such as their age, what school they attend, their phone number, etc

  3. Friends - Do your children personally know all of their friends online?

  4. Privacy Settings - Have a conversation about the privacy settings on their device and how they don’t guarantee privacy.

  5. Internet Filters - Utilize filters to help block sites & content

  6. Online to Real Life - Talk to your kids about not meeting in person with anyone they meet online unless you approve

  7. Educate Yourself - Educate yourself about the apps and sites that your children visit.


Guest Post: Randy Fuller - Post Hike Reflection


I needed to tell you this.... Don't judge me